Cheap Car Co
Dealer Licence No. 3138692
Dealer Licence No. 3138692
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Body Colour | Blue |
Doors | 4 |
Seats | 5 |
Gears | 6 Speed |
Gearbox | Sports Automatic |
Transmission | Automatic |
Odometer | 169304 |
Drive Type | FWD |
Rego | 961ZNA |
StockNo | 00016704 |
VIN | KL3BD5EM4HK631113 |
Cylinders | 4 |
Fuel Type | Petrol - Unleaded |
Capacity | 1.4 |
Central Locking - Remote/Keyless | Cruise Control | 16" Alloy Wheels |
Air Conditioning | Power Steering - Electric Assist | ABS (Antilock Brakes) |
Lane Departure Warning | Airbag - Driver | Airbag - Passenger |
Airbags - Head for 1st Row Seats (Front) | Airbags - Head for 2nd Row Seats | Airbags - Side for 1st Row Occupants (Front) |
Alarm | Audio - Aux Input Socket (MP3/CD/Cassette) | Central Locking - Remote/Keyless |
Power Door Mirrors - Folding | Power Windows - Front & Rear | 6 Speaker Stereo |
Control - Traction | Active Torque Transfer System | Adjustable Steering Col. - Tilt & Reach |
Armrest - Front Centre (Shared) | Audio - Aux Input USB Socket | Audio - Input for iPod |
Bluetooth System | Body Colour - Door Handles | Brake Assist |
Camera - Rear Vision | Collision Warning - Forward | Control - Electronic Stability |
Control - Park Distance Rear | Control - Trailer Sway | Cup Holders - 1st Row |
Daytime Running Lamps - LED | Disc Brakes Front Ventilated | Disc Brakes Rear Solid |
Door Pockets - 1st row (Front) | Door Pockets - 2nd row (rear) | EBD (Electronic Brake Force Distribution) |
Engine Immobiliser | Flip/Fold Out Key | Headlamps - Halogen |
Headlamps - High Beam Active Shadowing | Headlamps Automatic (light sensitive) | Hill Holder |
Lane Keeping - Active Assist | Leather Steering Wheel | Map/Reading Lamps - for 1st Row |
Multi-function Control Screen - Colour | Multi-function Steering Wheel | Seatback Pockets - 1st Row (Front) seats |
Seatbelt - Load Limiters 1st Row (Front) | Seatbelt - Pretensioners 1st Row (Front) | Seats - 2nd Row Split Fold |
Smart Device App Display/Control | Smart Device Integration - Android Auto | Smart Device Integration - Apple CarPlay |
Spare Wheel - Steel Rim Only | Trim - Cloth | Voice Recognition |
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